Sustainable Value Investors among the patrocinators of the EFFAS ESG Course for Financial Analysts in Italy ... ...
The article "Analysts are chasing Socially responsible value" (original title: "Ma gli analisti sono a caccia del valore social responsible") by Daniela Carosio, SVI Senior Partner, was published in the AIAF online review Nr. 91 as of June 2014. KEY INSIGHTS As the responsible founding member of the AIAF...
The article "Responsibly Transparent: evolution of the market. A comparaison between banks, institutions and stakeholders" (original title: " Responsabilmente trasparente: l’evoluzione del mercato. Banche, istituzioni e stakeholder a confronto ") by Daniela Carosio, SVI Senior Partner, was published in the AIAF online review Nr. 74 as of March 2010. KEY...