Analysts are chasing “Socially responsible” value, AIAF Nr. 91, June 2014

The article “Analysts are chasing Socially responsible value” (original title: “Ma gli analisti sono a caccia del valore social responsible“) by Daniela Carosio, SVI Senior Partner, was published in the AIAF online review Nr. 91 as of June 2014.


As the responsible founding member of the AIAF ESG working group and AIAF representative within the European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies – EFFAS ESG Commission, Professor Carosio is working on Delphi Project, a platform built to develop shared ESG metrics available to analysts. The project aims at mainstreaming ESG analysis among analysts and financial operators. ESG analysis is taking hold in Europe, whereas it is still lagging behind in Italy.

Delphi aims at highlighting material ESG indicators with a quantitative nature to create a standard for analysts. The final objective is to offer a solution to the current lack of agreed and shared methodology and to make sell-side analysts encouraged to consider ESG indicators in their fundamental financial analysis.

For a summary of the results and for further information, read the full article on AIAF review.