COP 25

While actions are need to tackle a major global challenge like climate change, time is running out. “Time for action” is the slogan of the 25th UN Climate Change Conference (COP 25). The aim of the conference is to take crucial steps towards a full operationalization of the Paris Climate Change Agreement.

The delegations of the 196 signatory countries of the Paris Agreement are gathering today in Madrid, Spain to open the COP 25. The conference will last 12 days (2 – 12 December 2019), and it will include sessions of the Conference of Parties and other major events.

Criticisms have spread after the conference was moved from Chile to Spain preventing guests from attending the conference due to travel costs, visas and so on. However, Ms. Carolina Schmidt, Minister of Environment of Chile will keep the presidency of the conference, while the government of Spain will provide logistical support.

On the eve of the conference, the Secretary- General of the UN, António Guterres, twitted that “the human species has been at war with the planet”. Humans have been exploiting the planet to evolve, now time has come for humans and planet to join forces to survive.

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