“Today update on Climate Change”, Ned Community Nr.30, February 2017

The article “Today situationby Daniela Carosio, SVI Senior Partner, was published in the Ned Community online review Nr. 30 as of February 2017.

February 2017 represents a crucial period in Italy. Climate imbalances are making the human and economic costs deriving from disasters such as Rigopiano avalanche very high. Professor Carosio begins reflecting on the Italian case. Later, she engages with several other countries’ case studies, where climate change effects are visible and dramatic.

Nevertheless, we find ourselves in absurd situations:

  • US President Donald Trump is denying climate change;
  • China is among the economic powers exposing vulnerable countries to climate change effects;
  • while in Italy the climate change debate is underdeveloped delaying any plans to come up with a comprehensive intervention strategy.

To find out more, please read the English article here or the original Italian version in the Ned Community review.