Progress toward sustainable development is seriously off-track

Hunger is rising, half the world lacks basic education and healthcare, women face discrimination. This are are huge systemic risks. According to the secretary-general of the United Nations, Antònio Guterres, in an article published on the FT of November 4, 2019, in a time of great unrest in various regions around the world “a narrow focus on growth, regardless of its true cost and consequences, is leading to climate catastrophe, a loss of trust in institutions and a lack of faith in the future”. The private sector is committed to the implementations of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and on other initiatives such as Principles for Responsible Banking, the Global Investors for Sustainable Development Alliance. However, since 2015 when the 17 GDGs were agreed upon by all world leaders little progress has been achieved and more then ever “We need business leaders to use their enormous influence to push for inclusive growth and opportunities”.

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