09 Sep 2019 KPMG partners quit in wake of WhatsApp row
Some episodes at KPMG are creating tension between partners and are unsettling staff.
“Two of KPMG’s most senior financial consultants have quit the Big Four firm after Tim Howarth, their boss, was ousted following an investigation into his conduct”. We are talking about Mike Walters and Harps Sidhu and their boss Mr Howarth, who has been accused of alleged misconduct after some investigations starting from a suspect use of WhatsApp messages.
The departure of these three seniors, representing the core leadership of KPMG financial services consulting division, together with the removal of Sanjay Thakkar, another senior partner, accused of bullying, has led to increasing partner infighting, especially since June.
Indeed, KPMG is encouraging all staff to report any concern or sign of inadeguate conduct, aiming at bringing to lights these misbehaviors as well as prevent them.
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