“SDGs and the contribution of independent directors to long- term strategies”, Nedcommunity Nr.28, August 2016

The article “SDGs and the contribution of independent directors to long-term strategies” by Daniela Carosio, SVI Senior Partner, was published in the Nedcommunity online review Nr. 28 as of August 2016.


Companies ask for more juridical and political certainty to put forward long-term development strategies. It is politics responsibility to create a favorable environment for economic actors to invest with long-term strategies.

However, nowadays when politics encounters difficulties with long-term planning, associations and civil society representative groups can still contribute. Independent Directors, within they limited powers, have a big responsibility when they can support and accompany the executive directors of big companies to carry on ambitious projects with long-term investments.

Following the noble objectives promoted by the UN through the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and by gathering inspiring and skilled personalities, the Environment Mission Commission, promoted by Daniela Carosio, is starting a hopefully productive internal debate on this topic within the Nedcommunity and the Italian Financial Analysts Society (AIAF) Associations.

To find out more, read the full article from the Nedcommunity review.