SVI Senior Partner at “Il Salone del Risparmio” to discuss ETicaNews Dossier Chasing SRI

As part of “Il Salone del Risparmio” 2014 edition, SVI Senior Partner, Daniela Carosio, intervenes as director of Aiaf ESG working group within the conference “Chasing SRI: a research on providers, financial advisors networks, pension funds and investment banks” (original title: “Caccia allo SRI: una ricerca su gestori, reti, fondi pensione e banche d’affari”).

The workshop organized by ETicaNews as of March 28, 2014 aims at showing and discussing the results of the research conducted between February and March 2014 on the state-of-art of SRI – Socially Responsible Investing in Italy among the main financial operators. 

The research examines the limitations to SRI finance in the Italian context, with respect to the international setting, where it is already a relevant long-term asset class. The obtained outcomes are gathered in the Dossier Caccia allo SRI .

Further information on the research is available in V-Finance article “A turning point: ESG assessments on long-term” and the whole panel and conference overview can be found on ETicaNews invitation.

To read a summary of the event and the interview to Professor Carosio, see the article on AIAF review.