“The analysis of the candidate websites to the Oscar of Online financial Communication”, AIAF Nr.41, September 2001

The article “The analysis of the candidate websites to the Oscar of Online financial Communicationby Alfonso Scarano, member of the Board of Directors and Representative of the AIAF Internet Committee, and Daniela Carosio, SVI Senior Partner, was published in the AIAF online review Nr. 41 as of September 2001.

In this article, Professor Daniela Carosio and Dr Alfonso Scarano explain the results of an analysis conducted on websites of candidates to the Oscar of Online Financial Communication.

The article describes in detail the methodology adopted, that has focused in particular on three aspects: analysis of contents, analysis of usability of the website and analysis of technical features of the website. In conclusion, the report gives the results of the analysis and makes some final considerations.

To find out more, please read the full Italian original article on the AIAF review.